Clerk : Do you use a smart phone?
(Ʈ ϼ?)
Customer : No, I use a regular cell phone.
(ƴ, µ.)
ѱ Ʈ ƴ ׳ Ϲ '(feature phone)'̶ .
̱鿡 feature phone̶ ϸ ظ մϴ.
Ʈ ƴ Ϲ ׳ a regular cell phone ̶ Ͻø ˴ϴ.
Clerk : Do you want to use a smart phone?
(Ʈ ?)
Customer : Yes, but i have a 2-year-contract with my current carrier.
(, 2 ɷ־..)
* 2 : a 2-year-contract
* Ż : carrier Ǵ provider
Clerk : How long do you have left?
( Ҵµ?)
Customer : I have about 14 months left.
(14 Ҿ.)
Clerk : That's too bad -- but don't worry! U+ will pay your cancelation fee!
(ȵƳ.. . ÷ !)
* : cancelation fee
Customer : That's awesome! Can I sign up today?
( ƿ! ҰԿ!)
Clerk : Sure! You will walk out of our store today and leave behind your old provider,
while carrying one of our brand new phones with you!
I can show you an easy way to transfer your contacts from your old phone
to your new phone. Please, follow me, and we can take care of you.
( Ż粨 ϰ ص帱Կ. ( * ణ 峭 ϰ ־)
ִ ּҷ ű ִ 帱Կ.
Customer : Ok. sounds good. Oh, by the way, I am 16. Can I sign up ?
(, .. 16̰ŵ? ֳ?)
Clerk : ...if you bring your parents with you. Are they here?
(θ̶ .. θ̶ ̳?)
Customer : No. They won't allow me to buy a new phone.
(ƴ. ° ֽ ſ)
Clerk : Haha, kid. Come back when you are 18.
(, л. 18 Ǹ )
ÿ ֽ ̱
Brandon Kelly