“б , åб·۾ ȿ”
CST ··· 4 ·н Ǯ
ǥз° STAR غ
ĶϾ ǥз°(Standardized Testing and Reporting·STAR) ٰԴ. б л ų ( 4~5) µ STAR л з ذ ȿ ִٴ ſ ߿ ̺Ʈ ް ִ. б STAR յΰ л ⸦ οϴµ ѷ ģ. 3 ʵб κ STAR 迡 ߿ CST(California Standards Test) ȿ غ ô.
1997 ۵ α б 2~11г л ֿ ǥз° н ô ϴµ ־ ΰ ִ. STAR ǥз (CST), üнɷ (CAPA), (CMA), дϽ ǥؽ(STS) 4 ٸ Ǿ ִ. ų 450 ̻ б л STAR .
STAR ٽ л ġ з ̴. , , , ·ȸ 4 ȴ. Ųư 1г 12г ܵȴ. CST ų б з¼ Ÿ API(Academic Performance Index) ǹǷ л кθ δ.
ʵб 2г Ǹ б ó CST ȴ. 2г ڳฦ кθ ̰ 迡 ݷ ְ غϵ Ű Ѵ. 2г ǽõǴ CST Ŀϴ 캻.
㿵(English-Language Arts)
1. ܾ м(Word Analysis): 34% ϴ ߿ Ʈ ִ. б ⺻ κе ĿѴ. л , ܾ Ϻκ, ־ ̿ ϰ ü Űܾ Ѵ.
2. (Reading Comprehension): 23% Ѵ. شг ´ 丮 а پ ؾ Ѵ.
3. м(Literary Analysis): 9% Ѵ. л پ ǰ а , ι, , ٰŸ Ѵ.
4. ö: 22% ϴ ߿ κ̴. , , ö, ι, 빮, ҹ Ŀȴ.
5. (Writing Strategies): 12% Ѵ. ̵ Ű ɷ Ѵ.
1. (Number Sense): 58% Ѵ. 0 1,000 ȿ ڸ , а, ɷ° ڰ 踦 ϴ Ѵ.
2. ·Լ(Algebra and Functions):
9%. Ʈ, ־ ̿ , Ǭ.
3. ·(Measurement and Geometry): н 22% Ѵ. ̸ ϰ پ ص Ѵ.
4. , м, Ȯ(Statistics, Data Analysis, Probability): 11%. õ , ϰ, ϰ, ؼ Ÿ.
3 ʵб “CST غ յ ” “ б θ ϰ پ 帣 å а ۾ ϴ ּ غ”̶ ߴ.
ʵб г г ؿ ´ 丮 θ Ҹ оֵ ڳడ ϴ ؾ Ѵ. ‘’(why), ‘’(how) ϴ ̰ ϰ å а İ ġѴ. ۹ Բ ε ϴ ߿ϴ.
߿ ִ н Ǯ ͵ CST غ ȴ.
кθ鿡 α ִ н Ǵ δ ‘Spectrum’s California Test Practice’ ‘How to Prepare for Your State Standards’
‘California Content Standards’ ‘Buckle Down California Standards Review’ ִ.
Ʈ http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr/css05rtq.asp Ǵ http://starsamplequestions.org/starRTQ/search.jsp ϸ г⺰, ִ.
“ , Ʈ ް
1. 躸 ̰ Ǫ Ļ縦 ϰ Ͽ ܹ dz ǰ ħĻ縦 Ե Ѵ.
2. Ϸκ ð ڸ 鵵 ϰ б ϵ Ѵ.
3. Ʈ ȭ . ̰ Ʈ ϴµ ȴ.
4. ġ ƴ Ұϴٰ ش. ּ ϴ ߿ϴٴ Ѵ.
5. ش. 蹮 ̸ ְ ڽŰ ִ.
- 2г
1. What is the correct abbreviation for the word Saturday?
A Satur.
B Sat. ()
C Saturd.
D Satu.
2. What is the correct way to write the word that means more than one leaf?
A leafs
B leafes
C leavs
D leaves ()
3. Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly.
A beg-in-ning
B begin-ning
C beg-inn-ing
D be-gin-ning ()
4. Choose the underlined word that is spelled wrong.
A Ray was at the camp.
B Where is the lake?
C You were here last year.
D Ban and Ria were playing ball. ()
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