The answer is: Your left hand, Your left forearm or elbow.
Sorry I haven't been uploading stuff for a while, I was just so busy over the weekend.
I went to Seoulland which is like a playland where I rode on roller coasters which went around 360 degrees.
Another thing I rode was something that went in circles, just going around for the whole time and at the end,
it even stay in the air when I was flipped over!
After that, I went sledding and that took forever to ride once.
It took about 30minutes to ride and I don't think it was worth waiting.
I got to ride 3 times in 3 hours because I was alternating between playing in the snow and sledding.
Even it was hard waiting, it was still a fun day at Seoulland that I went with my friends
Riddle: What did the traffic light say to the car?