Hey, you want to hang out this Sunday?
[ ̹ ϿϿ ?]
I'd love to, but I have to take the TOEIC.
[ , ͽ ߵ]
Oh, that's too bad.
[, ȵƴ..]
It will be finished at about 12:00. Why don't we have a lunch together?
[ 12ÿ ġϱ, 츮 ̳ ?]
OK, that's good. See you on Sunday!
[. ϿϿ ~]
[Ͽ, Ĵ翡]
Hi, how did the test go?
[ȳ! ?]
It was very difficult. I couldn't answer the last ten questions.
[¥ . 10 Ǯ..]
What score do you expect from your TOEIC test?
[ ް ?]
I really want to get over 900, but I guess I can't for this month.
[900 Ѱ ;, ̹ ȵɰ ..]
What is your highest score so far?
[ݱ ߿ ε?]
Wow, great! You are almost there!
[! 900̳ !]
Yes, but it is really hard to get over 900.
[, ٵ 900 Ѵ° .]
When will you know the results?
[ ǥ µ?]
In three weeks.
[3 Ŀ]
Oh, I see. It must be suspensful to wait for them.
[, ٸ ϰڳ]
Yes, it is. Wish me luck!
[, ]
Good luck! Let's eat!
[·! !]
ÿ ֽ ̱
Brandon Kelly