Have you ever been caught speeding?
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Rule #1: Pull to the side of the road when it is safe to do so, and put drive shaft of the car in the "park" or "P" position."
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Rule #2: Stay in the car. Do not get out to greet the officer, unless he tells you to do so. Roll down the window, and follow his instructions.
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Rule #3: Do not reach for anything. Wait for the officer to approach your car. The officer will ask to see your "license and registration" papers. They want to see your driver's license and your car insurance proof.
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Rule #4: Be polite and follow the officer's instructions. Do not argue with the officer.
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If you don't want a ticket, your chances of getting a warning are better if you are nice and polite to the officer.
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Q: How do I know the officer wants me to pull over and not the car in front of me?
A: There is an easy test! First, change lanes. If the officer follows your lane change and remains behind you, then you know you are caught! If you change lanes and the officer speeds by you, then you are safe.
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Brandon Kelly