° ִ ǥ ؼ ô!
ƿ, "My condition is bad." ۸Դϴ.
ʽϴ. My condition is bad. ̻ ~
I am tired.
ʹ ǰؼ Ŀ.
I am exhausted.
I am sick. / I am ill.
(I am ill.ٴ I am sick. Դϴ.)
I am not feeling well.
I don't feel well.
I don't feel good.
( I don't feel good. δ ʴ Դϴ.
I don't feel well.̶ ϴ ϴ.)
I am under the weather.
I am feeling under the weather.
(under the weather ̶ ̴ , ʽϴ.
I am sick. ̳, I don't feel well. Դϴ. )
ÿ ֽ 彺Ŭ
Brandon Kelly